Friday, April 20, 2012

Back of the Bow

Oxbow Bend in the Grand Teton National Park is one of those places that has been photographed time and again. Tour companies schedule delivery of hobbyist photographers each morning before sunrise to take the quintessential of all landscape shots. Those often photoed iconic shots are beautiful, that's why there is such a rush every morning. But getting those shots to be original is a daunting task. Once in a while it might just pay off to look around to what else might be worthy of a photograph. You might be able to get an original photo if you just turn around. The featured photograph today was one of those shots. While the hoards of photographers were snapping away at the bend, I saw some beautiful light just behind me. I did get some beautiful shots of Oxbow Bend. Don't get me wrong, I have no issue with having them in my portfolio. But being a little less myopic can sometimes produce equal rewards.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring has Sprung

The delicate leaves fresh and green. The buds on the trees. The happy chirping of birds engaged in mating and posturing. Fragrent flower petals bursting in color. Cold crisp mornings, and the fresh smell of the anticipation of summer is in the air. Somehow after even the mildest of winters the spring leaves look a little greener, the water a little clearer. Early enclaves of green fight to regain its hold amid the sea of brown and lifelessness. Spring has sprung.